

The violent arrest of Maulvi Abdul Hamid’s grandson

According to Balochistan Human Rights Group, today, June 29th , 2023, the security forces  arrested  "Abdul Nasir Shah Bakhsh", the grandson of Maulvi Abdul Hamid, after being surrounded by several vehicles, violently arrested him and took him to an unknown place.  Abdul Naseer was arrested on Razi street by the...

The security forces Arrested  two Baloch brothers

According to Balochistan Human Rights Group, on Sunday, June, 25TH 2023, two Baloch brothers were arrested for carrying and raising Maulvi Abdul Hamid's banner in Kausar Zahedan square by security forces. The identity of this Baloch citizens has been identified as "Esmatullah Rigi Maram", 25 years old, and "Gasem Rigi...

Execution of two Baloch prisoners

According to Balochistan Human Rights Group, today, Thursday, June 01st , 2023, the death sentence of two Baloch prisoners was executed by the officials of the Kahnuj . The identity of these two Baloch prisoners has been stated as "Ashkan Sohrabi", 24 years old, and "Aria Parvizi", the son of...

The  death sentence of a Baloch prisoner in Zabul

According to Balochistan Human Rights Group today  May  31st 2023,  the death sentence of a Baloch prisoner who  was already transferred to solitary confinement has   executed by Zabul prison officials. The identity of this Baloch prisoner is "Amir Naroui(Shiranzahi)", 46 years old, the son of Khan Mohammad, married with six...

Arrest of a Baloch citizen by security forces in Mehriz,

According to Balochistan Human Rights Group, on May 23rd 2023, a Baloch citizen was arrested by the security forces in Mehriz while he was going to Yazd for work and was taken to an unknown place. The identity of this Baloch citizen, "Abdelnaser Qanbarzahi Gorgij", 29 years old, the son...

Transfer a Baloch prisoner to solitary confinement in Zabul

According to Balochistan Human Rights Group, today 30th May 2023, a Baloch prisoner was transferred to solitary confinement in Zabul prison to execute the death sentence. The identity of Baloch prisoner "Amir Naroui (Shiranzahi)", 46 years old, son of Khan Mohammad, married with six children and from Babaji village of...

Execution of a Baloch prisoner in Zahedan

According to Balochistan Human Rights Group, on Saturday, May 27th 2023, the death sentence of a Baloch prisoner was executed by the authorities of Zahedan Central Prison. The identity of the Baloch prisoner has been stated as "Noorullah Timuri", about 32 years old, a single resident of Zahedan region. According to...

A Baloch prisoner  executed in Garmsar prison

According to Balochistan Human Rights Group, at dawn on May 27th , 2023, Garmsar Central Prison officials executed a number of prisoners, and a Baloch citizen was among them. The identity of the Baloch prisoner "Abdul Bast Totazahi", known as Abdul Khaliq, about 40 years old, the son of Abdul...

Amnesty International: At least seven imprisoned are on the threshold of execution

According to Balochistan Human Rights Group Today, Wednesday, May 24, 2023, Amnesty International announced in its latest report about the verdicts issued against protesters in Iran, that there are at least seven people sentenced to death among these people. In a letter addressed to the head of the Islamic Republic...

The condition of a Baloch prisoner

According to Balochistan Human Rights Group , Tuesday, May,  23rd , 2023, Kerman prison officials transferred two prisoners, including a Baloch prisoner, to the suite ward (quarantine) in order to execute the death sentence. The identities of these citizens have been identified as Qadirbakhsh Tahani, known as Nader Baloch, 39...