According to Rasank media, on Monday, 3rd October 2022, a 24-year old Baloch woman was arrested by the uniformed officials of intelligence services in the city of Zahedan, Sistan and Baluchistan on unknown charges.
The young woman has been identified as “Faizeh Brahui”, from Zahedan city.
Faizeh had not participated in any of the protests but as per independent media sources, she has been arrested because she had asked for further investigation into the alleged rape of the 15-year-old Baloch girl by the police chief in the southern city of Chabahar.
It has been three weeks since her arrest. Her family states that the police has so far not made any formal charges against her. They have not been able to obtain any further information regarding her case.
It should be noted that the security forces, contrary to the law, have denied Faizeh visitation rights and she has also been denied legal representation or access to a lawyer.