According to to Balochistan Human Rights Group , on May 30th 2023, military agents along with Jasak prosecutor and natural resource workers sealed and destroyed agricultural wells in Surak district of Jasak county.

According to eyewitnesses, military agents under the supervision of the prosecutor “Emami” raided Sorek village on the pretext of sealing unauthorized wells and filled most of the agricultural wells with a loader and prevented the villagers from pumping water from the wells.

These actions were carried out by threatening the farmers to file a case and arrest them.

It should be noted that nearly 5000  people make a living in these agricultural lands and this act is a double injustice against the Baloch people of Jask region, so that most of the agricultural wells and ancestral lands of the Baloch people of that region have been declared as national lands. .

In the past, agricultural wells in Surak village of Jask city have been sealed by natural resources and agricultural jihad.

In the past, the farmers of this region have been oppressed in various ways, such as reducing the fuel of agricultural machines (motors and tractors) and not giving remittances of chemical fertilizers, which are the basic needs of farmers.

It should be noted that Surak village is located 120 km from Jask and 80 km from Zarabad, and the occupation of the people of this area, who are all Baloch, is agriculture and animal husbandry.

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