Today May 5th, 2024, a Baloch teenager named Taha Zabdezahi (Shahnavazi), 17 years old, was fatally shot by direct firing from Pakistani border forces in the border area of Roodak, located in Mirjaveh County. Taha, son of Rahim from Khash, lost his life due to severe injuries sustained from the gunshot to the head. This incident occurred around noon when Pakistani border forces fired directly at Taha as he was crossing the border canal. Reports indicate that Taha was hit in the head by the gunfire, leading to his demise.

According to gathered reports from 2023, direct shootings by military forces have resulted in the death or injury of at least 120 Baloch citizens, including 80 fatalities and 40 wounded, among them are 9 children and 3 women.

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