According to Baluchistan Human Rights Group, on Wednesday, 26th April 2023,”The future of women and minorities in the revolution of women’s life of freedom conference was held in European Union in Brussels with the presence of representatives of Iran’s national and religious minorities, including Arabs, Kurds, Baloch, Turks and Baha’is.

Mrs. Fariba Baloch was present on behalf of “Baluchistan Human Rights Group” and gave a speech.

The attendees stated the various aspects of the situation of women and minorities today and tomorrow after the victory of the “Women, Life, Freedom Revolution”.

The goal of the organizers was to “bring the message of the violation of the rights of ethnic groups, especially women, in Iran under the rule of the Islamic Republic.  “Putting the IRGC’s name in the list of terrorist organizations” was one of the other demands of the participants in this conference

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